Sunday, July 21, 2013

Administrators Blog Usage

Blogs can be used for a reflective journal. There may be a problem that may arise and just sitting down and blogging about it may bring ideas to mind for you and the followers of your blog may also have solutions. It is a great and easy way to host a collaboration among people at any time.

This Crazy Thing Called Action Research

Well the most important thing I have learned about action research is that I have been doing it my whole teaching career. I just found out that academic word for it is action research, but I prefer to call it being a good problem solver. I have learned that action research is the process of identifying a problem, analyzing the cause of the problem, researching solutions to the problem, implementing a plan to solve the problem based off of your research, and then evaluating and improving the plan. I feel that I have been doing this ever since I started teaching, and I mainly attribute this to my training as a teacher. Also this process is your basic problem solving technique and can be compared to the scientific method. This process is used not only in the school setting, but at the doctors office, and even in your own home. Just the other day I heard a squeaking coming from my car when I went in reverse(Identify the Problem). I analyzed that it only happened when I went in reverse and went very slow speeds(Analyze Causes). Furthermore I researched the cause of the problem on Google and found out that I need to take my car to the shop to get my brake line flushed(Research Solutions). I then scheduled an appointment to have it fixed (implementing a plan) and I will evaluate if the problem has been rectified(Evaluation).